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Registration Information

Registration is completed every school year online using ParentVUE. Visit the APS Enrollment page to learn about immunizations, proof of address requirements, and how to use ParentVUE to enroll your student. Please complete your registration prior to school starting in August.

What You Need To Register

2025-2026 Registration Information

Beginning in March, online registration is available for the 2025-2026 school year!

Online registration needs to be completed every year through ParentVUE. This registration verifies your mailing address, your telephone number, and contact information as well as emergency contacts and health information for your student(s).

This registration is important, especially in the case of an emergency so we can reach you. This is separate from elective and course selection which has already taken place with our school counselors during pre-registration and course selection.

If you have logged on to ParentVUE to register and it will not let you select the 2025-2026 school year this could mean a few things:

Your registration may not have been completed last year (so it will default to the previous year if incomplete).

A different parent/guardian other than yourself may have started the registration. Once one parent/guardian begins registration, that same person must be the one to complete it. It will not let you view the student on your account if a registration has been started by the other parent.

You can select “delete registration” and it will delete the incomplete registration from last year allowing you to move forward and select the current 2025-2026 registration.

If you have trouble with your login name or password we can help troubleshoot over the phone. You can call the front office at 505-298-6896, Mrs. Duda can help you with login and password issues.

We are asking that all residency documents are uploaded through ParentVUE or you can email them to Roberta Duda. Please note two proofs of residency are required for registration.

Acceptable Documents to Establish Residency Include Any of the Following:

  • A valid driver’s license showing the address of the resident
  • A deed or mortgage payment dated within the past 60 days
  • Property tax bill dated within the last year
  • A current lease or section 8 agreement
  • A utility bill dated within the past 60 days with the name of a resident of the Parent/Guardian
  • Voter registration documentation from Bernalillo County with the address of the residence
  • Military orders indicating the family lives on a local military base

If you have an approved APS transfer (a valid, district-approved transfer to the school outside the geographical boundary of the residence of the student) one proof of residency is required to confirm the address for mailing purposes.

Agendas and IDs

Your first agenda and ID will be provided to you. Replacements are available while supplies last for: Agendas $10, IDs $2.  2024-2025 Agendas are SOLD OUT.

Athletic Physicals

In order to participate in any athletic program students must have a current physical on file, prior to tryouts. Physicals are good for one year and must be dated after April 1 of the previous school year. You can obtain the form needed to be filled out by your physician on the Athletic Forms page.

PE Uniforms

Available from the PE department for $25. Scholarships available upon request.

Contact Information

Roberta Duda
Front Office
Phone: (505) 298-6896