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Pre-Registration/Course Selection

Incoming 6th Graders

All incoming 6th graders need to select courses for the 2025-2026 school year.

If your student is:

  1. In the district currently attending a feeder elementary school: (Mitchell, Matheson Park, or John Baker) your student will be visited by the counselors from Hoover and given information about the available classes. They will be given a time frame to fill out the course selection card in their fifth-grade class. You can access our Registration Google site here: HMS Pre-Registration
  2. In the district but currently attending a non-feeder elementary: If you are in a non-feeder APS elementary but in our district, you will be automatically matriculated to Hoover. Please contact the school in February to receive information about course selection for next year. Then access our Registration Google site here: HMS Pre-Registration
    • If you are coming from a charter school or home-schooling, please contact the school after mid-March so you can be added to our system and receive information about course selection.
  3. Out of district and wanting to come to Hoover: Welcome! However, you first need a transfer. Even if your student attended a feeder elementary (such as Mitchell, Matheson Park, or John Baker) on a transfer, you need a new one for Hoover. Here is a link to the transfer form on the APS website. Transfer applications can be turned in starting January 1. APS Transfers Once you have received a transfer, contact the front office for information about course selection for next year.

Future 7th & 8th Graders

All future 7thand 8th graders need to select courses for the 2025-2026 school year.

If your student is:

  1. A current Hoover student: A counselor will come into their classroom to speak with them about classes for next year. They will be given a time frame to fill out the course selection in their social studies class. You can access our Registration Google site here: HMS Pre-Registration
  2. New to Hoover: If your student is new to Hoover next year but entering the 7thor 8thgrade, contact the school after mid-March to be added to our system and receive information about course selection.

A Current 8th Grader

All current 8thgraders need to select High School courses for the 2025-2026 school year. Eldorado will be coming to Hoover with information and course selection cards for next year. If your student is districted for another high school, please contact the office at that school in February for course selections there.