General Information
When students get ill or injured at School
If you are ill or are injured at school, get a pass from your teacher and report to the health room for care and observation. If the nurse or health assistant determines that you need further treatment or need to go home, your parents will be contacted.
When to Contact the School Nurse
Parents of students with special health conditions/medications should contact the school nurse. Parents should also notify the school nurse of any immunizations that are administered so that immunization records may be kept current.
Attention 6th Grade Parents
New Mexico immunization law requires that ALL students entering 7th grade have BOTH a current Meningococcal vaccine and a Tdap vaccine. Students will NOT be allowed to register if they have not had BOTH of these vaccines.
School Nurse Staff
- Sarah Compton
Health Assistant
(505) 298-6896 ex: 35513 - Cristina Guevara
(505) 298-6896 ex: 35512
Health Resources
- Immunization Info for Parents
- Medication Administration in Schools
- Sick Day Guidelines for Parents
- School-Based Health Centers
- Community Health Centers
Health Forms
Communicable Disease Information
- APS School-Based Health Centers
- APS - When is Sick Too Sick for School? APS youtube video
- APS ¿Cuando Está Demasiado Enfermo Su Hijo(a) para Ir a la Escuela? - APS youtube video in Spanish
- NASN - Washing Your Hands video
- NASN - Lavarse las Manos - Handwashing - Spanish video
- NASN - Wearing Cloth Face Coverings video
- NASN - Usar una Cubierta de Tela para la Cara - Face Covering - Spanish video