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Hoover Student Handbook


Please submit all absences through your ParentVue account no later than 8:30AM on the day of absence.

New Mexico law dictates that students between the ages of six (6) and eighteen (18) years of age are mandated to attend public school, private school, home school, or another state institution. It is the parents’/guardians’ responsibility to notify the school each day their child is absent for any reason by visiting ParentVUE or calling the attendance office at 298-­‐6896, x. 35500 between 7:30 - 10:00 a.m. A recorder will take your messages during non-office hours. I

Daily attendance is mandatory to benefit to the fullest from an instructional program. The Albuquerque Public Schools recognizes, however, that there are situations that dictate a student’s absence. Therefore, in accordance with APS guidelines, absences may be excused for the following reasons:

  • Illness
  • Medical appointment, excused by a doctor’s note brought to the office upon return to school
  • Death in the family
  • Religious commitment
  • Diagnostic testing
  • Other circumstances as agreed to by the principal

As per APS guidelines, parents/guardians may be required to provide documentation to excuse absences after their students’ tenth excused absence.

An unexcused absence is any absence that does not adhere to the prescribed APS guidelines listed above, is not school related, or is not reported within two (2) school days. Non-school sponsored activities or trips and family vacations outside of normally scheduled school breaks will be considered unexcused absences. The following process will be followed regarding unexcused absences:

When a student has their 3rd unexcused absence in a class:

  • Office staff (counselors, social worker, special education head teacher, administration) will contact the parent via phone or email.

When a student has their 5th unexcused absence in a class:

  • A letter will be sent to parents to discuss the impact of student absences. If necessary, home or work visits will be completed to meet with parents.

When a student has their 7th unexcused absence in a class:

  • Family will be referred to the HMS Health and Wellness team. Families will be invited to attend the meeting to discuss absences and their impact. Meetings can be conducted by phone if needed.

  • Home or work visits may be conducted to visit with parents.

When a student has their 10th unexcused absence in a class:

Office staff (counselors, social worker, special education head teacher, administration) will notify parents via email, phone call, and letter that a referral is being made to APS Truancy Office.

*** It is the responsibility of the student to arrange for any missed work when they are absent ***.

Review the complete APS Attendance Policy

Cell Phone / Personal Electronic Devices

After looking at research, local case studies, issues with cell phones at school, surveys completed last year as well as working with families and students we have made the decision that HMS will not allow students to carry cell phones this year. Despite our previous policy that phones should be turned off and put away at all times, problems continued to impact student learning and well-being. Families will have the choice to keep their student’s cell phone at home or participate in the phone check-in system at school.

  • 1st occurrence - Warning

Student will turn in their phone or wireless headphones and may receive it from their 6th or 7th period teacher at the end of the day.

  • 2nd occurrence - Campus Beautification - 1 day

Student will turn in their phone or wireless headphones and may receive it from their 6th or 7th period teacher at the end of the day.

  • 3rd occurrence - Campus Beautification Up 3 days at lunch

Student will turn in their phone or wireless headphones and may receive it from their 6th or 7th period teacher at the end of the day.

  • 4th occurrence - Campus Beautification Up 5 days at lunch and Meeting
  • Student will turn in their phone or wireless headphones and it will be kept in the front office. A parent can pick it up during a meeting with administration.

Any additional occurrence will result in a behavior contract with penalties up to and including confiscation of the device through the end of the semester.

* Hoover Middle School is not responsible for loss, damage, or theft of any personal items, including personal electronic devices. We prefer that you keep your cell phones at home, but if you choose to send it we will be happy to store it in a secure location during the school day.*

Link to research presentation.


The dress code policy at Hoover Middle School complies with the APS Student Behavior Handbook and District Dress Code Policy.

Students’ dress and grooming shall be neat, clean, and appropriate for school. At Hoover, we recognize that students are unique and as a result, each has their own style of dress. We also realize that it is important to have a dress code that promotes an environment that is conducive to learning.

Students are expected to abide by the following requirements for dress:

  • For health and safety reasons, shoes must be worn at all times.
  • Hats are allowed. Sunglasses and hoods on hoodies/jackets should be worn outside only.
  • Shirts should be made of material that is not see-through. See-through shirts, halter tops, off the shoulder shirts, and shirts that show midriffs are prohibited.
  • All shirts, pants, shorts, and skirts should cover all undergarments. Modest necklines are required.
  • Pajamas, pajama look-a-likes, and slippers are prohibited.
  • Clothing or accessories which promote the following are prohibited:
    • negative behavior
    • drugs or alcohol
    • profanity, vulgarity, controversial or sexually suggestive/abusive behavior
    • weapons or violence
    • disrespect
    • gang related items/colors including picture slogans and text as defined by APD Gang Unit.
  • Spike jewelry/belts/accessories and chains are prohibited.
  • Any other clothing, hairstyles, or excessive body piercings that are disruptive to the learning environment.

*Hoover Middle School administrators have the discretion to determine whether the attire is appropriate or inappropriate. Administrators may also remove from school those students whose personal appearance is disruptive to the education process and the orderly operation of the school. Administrators may also have a student call home for a change of clothing if a student is dressed inappropriately.

*Per APS policy school communities will be meeting to refine Dress Code expectations for our specific Hoover community.

Chromebook / District Issued Technology

Technology is a very important part of educational learning for all APS students.  Your child will be given a Chromebook device to use in their classes and parents will be financially responsible for any damages or replacement due to any negligence while the device is in their possession and care.  A form with all potential incurring charges will be provided to your child to bring home to you so that families will be aware of this process.  This information will also be provided through the Hoover Community email communication.

More in-depth APS District information regarding Student Use of District Issued Educational Technology can be found on the Albuquerque Public Schools website here:


Hoover Administration and APS District Technology