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Staff Directory
Myriah Annankra
Temps/hourly: Coach
Michelle Bell
Instructor: Middle School Leadership
Jacobo Benavidez
Custodian: Head <6 Emp/night
Kessick Blech
STEAM, Programming, Art 1 & 2
Teacher: Classroom
Aubree Boivin
Tina Briggs
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Jessica Burwinkle
Teacher: Classroom
Nicholas Bustamante
Teacher: Classroom
Alexandra Chavez
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Nevaeh Cherry
Temps/hourly: Coach
Sarah Compton
Educ Asst: Health
James Damour
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Maris Daugherty
Teacher: Music/chor/bnd/orch
April Deangelo
Teacher: Gifted
Roberta Duda
Secretary: Ap/attendance Ms
Ian Emerich
Secretary: Principal Ms
Michelle Garay
Teacher: Classroom
Maleah Goldie
Temps/hourly: Intern
Efrain Grijalva
Teacher: Classroom
Jonathan Guerra
Teacher: Classroom
Cristina Guevara
Josue Hernandez
Teacher: Music/chor/bnd/orch
Melissa Hidalgo
Educ Asst: Other
Joann Isonhood
Teacher: Classroom
Denirlle Johnson
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Monica Kowal
Teacher: Gifted
Madeline Kruse
Charity Kurley
Temps/hourly: Coach
Elizabeth Little
Librarian: Es, Ms, Hs
Diego Lopez
Yardman: D2
Antonio Martinez
Custodian: D1
Margaret Mcdonnell
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Jamen Medina
Asst Principal: Middle School
Melinda Montoya
Educ Asst: General Education
Samuel Montoya Regalado
Educ Asst: General Education
Regina Obrien
ELA GFT and FACS teacher
Teacher: Gifted
Keelan O'hea
Teacher: Classroom
Estefani Ortega
Temps/hourly: Intern
Malia Ortega
Temps/hourly: Coach
Megan Pacholka
Temps/hourly: Coach
Amanda Pascoe
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Jebadiah Pinckley
Teacher: Classroom
Francesca Rael
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Karla Rasmussen
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Jason Rice
Teacher: Classroom
Elena Rogers
Teacher: Classroom
Carol Rohlke
Teacher: Classroom
James Romero
Teacher: Classroom
Rebecca Sanchez
Principal: Middle School
Dale Simpkins
Theatre Director
Teacher: Itinerant Art
Sona Stockham
Teacher: Classroom
Tracy Swauger Seckler
Dean Of Students
Lucas Camilo Trueblood
Temps/hourly: Coach
Sonya Welty
Teacher: Classroom
Joy Zgleszewski
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Section 504 Coordinator
Sonya Welty
Teacher: Classroom